Monday, 15 November 2010

Running order/ edit decision list

Production Schedule

Production Schedule
Programme Title: Skin deep
Director will: Sophie Edgar, Katharine Bann
Producer will: Sophie Edgar, Katharine Bann

Date Production will start: 27th September
Treatment will start for final idea: 27th September
Target research will start: 28th September
Timeline will start: 30th September
Storyboard will start: 30th September
Formal Proposal will start: 1st October
Filming will start: 8th October
Editing will start: 22nd October

Logging sheet:
This is a list of all the shots that we took, which allowed us to see what shots we could include in our documentary.

Edit Decision List:
After creating a logging sheet, we then had to decide which shots we were keeping and getting rid of. These would be the final shots that we could use in our documentary and it helped us a lot when putting the documentary together.

30 minute running order:

Title 'skin deep' show at the start of the documentary being drawn with a tattoo gun for 10 seconds

Pictures of celebrity tattoos, shocking tattoos, tattoos from the past and fashionable tattoos for 15 seconds

Tattoo being done for one minute 5 seconds

Interviews of tattooist for 1 minute 30 seconds

Interview of historian for 1 minute

Reaction of people for 40 seconds

Archive footage for 15 seconds

Then image of a quotation for 5 seconds

Then image of clip saying ‘end of part one’ 5 seconds

Clip of interview with businessman for 10 seconds

Over voice with cutaways in relation to subject 30 seconds

Interview with businessman on subject of how tattoos effect what job you get for 1 minute 15 seconds.

Cutaways of different work places 10 seconds

Interview with person that got fired due to tattoos that they had for 30 seconds

Recreation playing during this interview 30 seconds

Image of quotation for 5 seconds

Then image of ‘end of part 2’ for 5 seconds

Clip of pope saying disagree with tattoos for 30 seconds

Cutaways of religious buildings, with particular focus on hell related statues. Over voice in background. 10 seconds

Interview with priest that disagrees with tattoos 1 minute

Reactions of people on street who disagree with tattoos 40 seconds

Interview with vicar that agrees with tattoos 1 minute

Reactions of people on street that agree with tattoos 40 seconds

Then image of quotation for 5 seconds

Then image saying ‘end of part 3’ 5 seconds

Recreation of tattoo being done in past, example from each generation for 1 minute

Interview with sailor from war for 1 minute

Archive footage of sailor tattoos 20 seconds

Interview with person from Auschwitz for 1 minute

Archive footage of Auschwitz tattoos 20 seconds

Image of quotation for 5 seconds

Image saying ‘end of part 4’ 5 seconds

Interview with man that has a whole body of tattoos for 2 minutes

Reaction of him in street 20 seconds

Reaction he has to images of extreme tattoos 20 seconds

Image of quotation for 5 seconds

Image saying ‘end of part 5’ 5 seconds

Cutaways of school related subject 15 seconds

Examples of different age groups of children’s ideas about tattoos – 2 minute

Teacher’s ideas about tattoos- 1 minute

Interview with head teacher about punishments for tattoos and his ideas about them- 1 minute

Interview with parent who disagrees with tattoos- 1 minute

Interview with parent that agrees with tattoos- 1 minute

Image of quotation for 5 seconds

Image of ‘end of part 6’ for 5 seconds

Interview with different tattooists about when tattoos go wrong- 3 minutes

Images of tattoos when they go wrong 30 seconds

Over voice talking about how it effect the Media accompanied by images 10 seconds

School children singing songs about tattoos 1 minute 30 seconds

Over voice with images for 20 seconds

Image of quotation for 5 seconds

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