Monday, 11 October 2010

Ideas for documentaries

-(Fusion at the work place)
At a workplace, nuclear science. Include interviews and nuclear science background.

Ideas of documentaries -(TOYLAND)

Interview of people , talking about favourite toys when they were little.

-Investigate , do you believe in ghosts? Interview a priest and people on the street .

-Best films of all time , interview people at the cinema and ask them what there favourite film is.

-The ranges of fashion , ask people stood out side high street shops there opinion on clothes and how often they buy clothes.

-(TATTOOS) Take a video of some one getting a tattoo and interview people that have had them and how they feel and people that haven’t.

-(RSPCA)How many animals get sold in a day , has the amount of abandoned animals risen or dropped.

-(HOSPITAL)How many people come into A+E in a day and which day is the most busy. What people come to the hospital for.

-(MAKE-UP)How many people buy make up in a day? Stand at the make up store (mac) in Selfridges and find out which is the highest age range buying make-up.

-(HAIR DYE) Do more people buy blonde . brown or black? How many are bought a day. Stand in boots and ask customers questions.

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